Snake Bite Kit Instructions:
Step 1: Keep the victim calm and the bite area immobile. Call for medical assistance immediately. Keep the bitten area below the level of the heart.
If in a remote area where medical assistance can not be summoned, try to keep the victim as still and calm as possible while transporting.
If the bite is on the arm or leg, Splint to immobilize prior to moving the victim.
Step 2: Use antiseptic towelette to clean bitten area,
Step 3: While waiting for medical assistance, use the venom Pump to withdraw venom from the wound if advised to do so by medical personnel. Cover the bite with adhesive strips when done.
Warning: Some kits include a sterile scalpel, tourniquet, and ammonia inhalants are included and are only to be used by trained personnel in extreme life-threatening situations. Acme United Corporation assumes no liability for the misapplication or misuse of these items.
This pertains to both our items below:
3027 | Snake Bite Clip-on Kit |
7103 | Snake Bite Kit |
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