See image for diagram, instructions are as follows:
How to open a thermometer:
- Fold along perforation and tear off a single thermometer. Peel back top of wrapper to expose handle and remove by pulling.
Directions: Oral use
1. Place in mouth under tongue, as far back as possible into either heat pocket, as you would any oral thermometer. Have patient press tongue down on thermometer while keeping mouth closed.
2. Wait 60 seconds.
Directions: Under arm
1. Place under arm with green dots deep in axilla. Use arm to hold the thermometer in place for AT LEAST 3 MINUTES.
How to read:
1. Remove thermometer
2. Read temperature immediately. (After 30 seconds reading may not be accurate.)
3. The highest black dot indicates the correct temperature (see example).
4. Record the patient's temperature and dispose of thermometer.
This pertains to both our items below:
21-770 | Disposable Thermometers, 10/box |
21-775 |
Disposable Thermometers, 100/box |
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